In 2013, we managed to report on our activity and achievements for the months January to May. We just got too busy after that to update this page.
We DO advocate every month. It’s just that we were flat out advocating…
We’d love your assistance to keep the website up to date 😉
What we got up to in MAY 2013
Thu 23 May: We completed our submission to the City of Sydney’s draft Master Plan for the Johnstons Creek Parklands
Wed 22 May: Leichhardt Council slashes bike budget to zero
Sat 18 & Sun 19 May: Bike Valet Parking – Pyrmont Food and Wine Festival (Pirrama Park, Pyrmont).
Wed 15 May: City of Sydney Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (formerly, the Traffic Committee)
From its seat on the committee, BIKESydney had deferred Item 46, the proposal to insert an unbroken traffic median on Wigram Rd, Glebe at its intersection with Ross St which would have had the effect of obstructing a significant future arterial cycling route (Glebe Foreshore/Harold Park to Sydney University/Forest Lodge). Read about the issues and the happenings of the Traffic Committee meeting negotiation here.
Sun 12 May: Bike Valet Parking – Mothers Day Classic [new client] (The Domain)
Fri 10 May: BIKESydney’s tendered its Expression of Interest for the Bike Hub at the T2 building, Taylor Square
Wed 8 May: BIKESydney attended Leichhardt Council’s Bicycle Advisory Committee
Fri 3 May: BIKESydney’s monthly Social Lounge at the Alexandria Hotel
Issues we’re currently following up
- Bike access & facilities for the re-design of Darling Harbour (Lend Lease)
- Proposed Wigram Rd median at Ross St (City of Sydney)
Projects we’re developing
- Sunday Streets in Sydney – Reclaim the streets for a day (Leichhardt Council) – Please “Like” the “Sunday Streets in Sydney” facebook page
- Mobile Phone App – Hazards Reporting Tool
Outcomes achieved
- Wigram Rd median – See entry for Wed 15 May above
We would welcome your assistance with…
- Comms expertise – Engaging our community
- Appraising infrastructure and urban design proposals (such as these)
- Assisting with bike events (we are planning more of our “Brainstrust” public seminars)
- Submissions – to local and State Governments (see examples on our Submissions page)
- Campaign Champions (eg: City West Cycle Link)
- Ambassador for BIKESydney’s crowdfunding bike project campaign
- Copywriting or submitting articles (fun journalistic pieces on bikes for the website, like this article for example)
- Local bike-love photography (submit some of your favourite shots)
- Graphic design
- Website
- Volunteering a few hours at Bike Valet Parking
- …or whatever your expertise, we’d be keen to have you contribute
… and just wish we had more resources to:
- A (simple) technical design guide for bike infrastructure based on the *psychology* of riding
- Prepare our formal response to the Transport Masterplan
- Develop a simple audit checklist for assessing the walking- and bike-friendliness of Development Applications
What we got up to in APRIL 2013
Tue 30 April: Submission to State Government’s plans for re-development of 1 Lawson Street, Redfern
We tendered our submission to the State’s proposal to re-develop 1 Lawson St, Redfern. The exhibited plans indicated that the provisioning for bikes (parking, access, connectivity) was much understated. We submitted that the traffic assessment inadequately addressed the future and even existing cycling demand in the area and also noted that the arrival of the Regional Cycleway Network had been ignored. (see “Outcomes Achieved” below)
Mon 22 April: Union st Cycleway – Murray st traffic signals
BIKESydney held discussions with the RMS’ Traffic Management Centre and its Sustainable Transport Officer in relation to the lack of provision for cyclists at the Murray St traffic signals. RMS is now undertaking an audit of key cycling CBD intersections – including Murray St – with a view to improving access for cyclists. BIKESydney has also called for changes in RMS legislation to have bikes formally accounted for in the design of traffic signals.
Sun 21 April: Bike Valet Parking for the East Side ride (Centennial Park)
Bike Valet Parking was present at the inaugural East Side Ride – a festival celebrating green living, cycling and music in Centennial Park. The mix of great weather, location and event saw us parking over 200 bikes. A resounding success. Thanks to eastside fm and the City of Sydney for their support.
Wed 17 April: City of Sydney Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (formerly, the Traffic Committee)
From its seat on the committee, BIKESydney raised the matter of the lack of provision for cyclists at the Murray St intersection of Union St, Pyrmont where queuing cyclists are often ignored denied a green light to cross. On the back of a observations of the intersection during a morning peak hour in early April, local Police are now in agreement that the traffic signals do not properly provide for cyclists to cross lawfully. Further, the Police are also now in agreement that cyclists should be afforded a green light automatically (not contingent on being detected by the pavement detector loops) with each pedestrian green for the crossing of Murray St. BIKESydney is now pursuing this further with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) who exclusively control the performance of the traffic signals.
Wed 17 April: Responsible Riding Campaign
We met with the City of Sydney Cycling Team to discuss themes for a marketing campaign targeting responsible riding. Our counsel revolved around ensuring that any response is evidence-based, meaningful (will a billboard message really influence a miscreant?), that messaging/interventions include ALL modes (cyclists, motorists and pedestrians), that they influence behaviour through incentivisation rather than punishment (carrot rather than stick), focus on themes that are universal (eg, respect) rather than mode-specific (eg, ring your bell – not to suggest that this itself is bad advice) and critically, consider that the ‘responsibility’ for the riding behaviour of cyclists is not the remit of the City of Sydney alone (if at all) – the State Govt also needs to participate in the shepherding of good behaviour (this would better enlist the RMS and the car-centric urban landscape which heavily influences behaviour).
Wed 10 April: Bike Valet Parking – City of Sydney City Talks: what creative life do you want for Sydney? (State Theatre)
Tue 9 April: BIKESydney’s monthly Social Lounge rides again
Thanks to our new Social Officer, Peter Baker, BIKESydney will again run monthly Social Lounge events.
Wed 3 April: Union/Murray St intersection traffic signals – on-site meeting with Police.
With a view to addressing the unfair targeting by Police of citybound cyclists “running red lights” at the Union St / Murray St intersection, we met with police on-site during the (rainy) morning peak hour to demonstrate how the traffic signals do not adequately detect waiting cyclists. The meeting was productive and convinced the police that indeed the traffic signals often did not provide lawful crossing for cyclists. BIKESydney will follow this matter up with police authorities, the RMS and the City of Sydney.
Issues we’re currently following up
- Bike access & facilities for the re-design of Darling Harbour (Lend Lease)
- Cycle-friendly design of proposed Wigram Rd median at Ross St (City of Sydney)
- Catherine St (Bridge) cycleway (Leichhardt Council)
Projects we’re developing
- Sunday Streets in Sydney – Reclaim the streets for a day (with Leichhardt Council) – Please “Like” the “Sunday Streets in Sydney” facebook page
- Mobile Phone App – Hazards and defects reporting Tool
Outcomes achieved
- State Government Development Application for 1 Lawson St, Redfern – Our bringing this matter to their attention catalysed a strong response from the City of Sydney. We have extended an invitation to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to meet to discuss how this development can better address the cycling goals of the NSW Long Term Transport Masterplan
- Murray St (Pyrmont Bridge intersection) traffic signals – NSW Police now aware that the traffic signals don’t always show green for cyclists
We would welcome your assistance with…
- Comms expertise – Engaging our community
- Appraising infrastructure and urban design proposals (such as these)
- Assisting with bike events (we are planning a Bike Advocates training session; we’re keen to develop other seminars)
- Submissions – to local and State Governments (see examples on our Submissions page)
- Campaign Champions (eg: City West Cycle Link)
- Ambassador for BIKESydney’s crowdfunding bike project campaign
- Copywriting or submitting articles (fun journalistic pieces on bikes for the website, like this article for example)
- Local bike-love photography (submit some of your favourite shots)
- Graphic design
- Website
- Volunteering a few hours at Bike Valet Parking
- …or whatever your expertise, we’d be keen to have you contribute
… and just wish we had more resources to:
- A (simple) technical design guide for bike infrastructure based on the *psychology* of riding
- Prepare our formal response to the Transport Masterplan
- Develop a simple audit checklist for assessing the walking- and bike-friendliness of Development Applications
What we got up to in MARCH 2013
Wed 20 March: Murray St / Union St intersection traffic signals failing to detect cyclists.
We appealed to the Police and RMS members on the City of Sydney’s Traffic Committee (on which BIKESydney sits) to formally address the incongruity of issuing infringement notices to “red light running” cyclists crossing Murray St, Pyrmont eastbound in light of the inadequate performance of the traffic signals to detect cyclists queueing and waiting on the Union St cycleway.
Mon 18 March: Meetings with Prospective presenters for BIKESydney’s Advocate’s Seminar
Tue 12 March: Catherine St Bridge, Leichhardt – On-site meeting with Council
With Bike Leichhardt, guided Leichhardt Council through a preferred design for cycling provision for the Catherine St bridge, Leichhardt.
Sun 10 March: Bike Valet Parking – The Spot Festival, Randwick
Nearly 50 bikes including kids bikes parked at this year’s event – an appreciable increase on last year’s numbers. A really fun event.
Mon 4 March: Present BIKESydney’s vision for Callan Park to Friends of Callan Park
We attended the March meeting of the Friends of Callan Park (FocP) to present our vision for cycling in the Park and to make the recommendation that the appeal to have the Planning Minister pass a determination on the standing Master Plan would be best served by presenting it as the request from an alliance of community groups.
Sat 2 March: Consulting with Ausgrid to remove riding hazards resulting from cable trenching
We attended Ausgrid’s community consultation on the Homebush to Rozelle cable project to establish a dialogue on measures they might adopt to better inform cyclists of upcoming works, better coordinate their works with Council works, and avoid leaving those pesky cycling hazards (ridge lines, uneven surfaces) that typically result after trenching works.
Sat 2 March: Rally in support of the Callan Park Masterplan
We attended the rally organised by the Friends of Callan Park to support the call for the state government’s adoption of the Callan Park Masterplan which includes cycling elements such as paths and a bike hub. BIKESydney pitched to senior stakeholders present the need to present to Government as a united alliance..
Issues we’re currently following up
- Bike access & facilities for the re-design of Darling Harbour (Lend Lease)
- Proposed Wigram Rd median at Ross St (City of Sydney)
- Catherine St (Bridge) cycleway (Leichhardt Council)
- Alternative design for Booth St Bridge cycleway (see “Outcomes Achieved” below)
Projects we’re developing
- RMS now agrees to investigate re-design of Anzac Bridge shared path “Anzac Digger” junction
- Bike Rider and Bus Driver Interaction Protocol
- Ciclovia / Sunday Streets – Reclaim the streets for a day (with Leichhardt Council)
- Online Bike Mapping Tool/App…
- Commute Route Video library (aimed at beginner cyclists)…
Outcomes achieved
- Deferral of proposal to install segregated lanes for Booth St S-bend. Leichhardt Council will now review their design in consultation with Bike Leichhardt and BIKESydney
We would welcome your assistance with…
- Comms expertise – Engaging our community
- Appraising infrastructure and urban design proposals (such as these)
- Assisting with organising bike events (we are planning a Bike Advocates training session; we’re keen to develop other seminars)
- Submissions – to local and State Governments (see examples on our Submissions page)
- Campaign Champions (eg: City West Cycle Link)
- Ambassador for BIKESydney’s crowdfunding bike project campaign
- Copywriting or submitting articles (fun journalistic pieces on bikes for the website, like this article for example)
- Local bike-love photography (submit some of your favourite shots)
- Graphic design
- Website
- Volunteering a few hours at Bike Valet Parking (next event: Eastside Ride: Centennial Park – Sun 21 April)
- …or whatever your expertise, we’d be keen to have you contribute
… and just wish we had more resources to:
- Develop a Sydney-based hazard-reporting system interface/app like http://www.bkme.org
- A (simple) technical design guide for bike infrastructure based on the *psychology* of riding
- Prepare our formal response to the Transport Masterplan
- Develop a simple audit checklist for assessing the walking- and bike-friendliness of Development Applications
What we got up to in FEBRUARY 2013
Thursday 28 February: Submission to Leichhardt Council’s Draft Local Environment Plan 2012
We Recommended changes to Council’s primary planning instrument to effect better outcomes for cycling. Read the submission here.
Monday 25 February: Objection to Leichhardt Council’s proposal to install segregated lanes on the Moore St/Booth St Bridge
We formally objected to Leichhardt Council’s proposal to install a segregated bike lane westbound within the Booth St (Leichhardt) S-bend. We hasten to add that the proposal did not first pass through Leichhardt Council’s Bicycle Advisory Committee. BIKESydney has proposed an alternative “mixed traffic” approach. Read more here.
Thursday 28 February: Submission to Leichhardt Council’s Draft Local Environment Plan 2012
We recommended changes to Council’s primary planning instrument to effect better outcomes for cycling. Read the submission here.
Friday 22 February: Anzac Bridge “Digger Statue” junction re-design site meeting
With Bike Leichhardt, we met with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) to investigate options to improve safety and interaction dynamics for cyclists and pedestrians at “Digger junction” at the western end of the Anzac Bridge. RMS have agreed to return to BIKESydney and Bike Leichhardt a concept plan for the re-designed junction.
Wednesday 20 February: Attended the City of Sydney’s Traffic Committee meeting (as cycling rep) – Agenda & Minutes here
Monday 18 February: Site Inspection of Catherine St Bridge (Leichhardt) to consider cycleway options
Wednesday 13 February: Attended at Leichhardt Council’s Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting
Sunday 10 February: Bike Valet Parking: Mardi Gras Fair Day (Victoria Park)
The Mardi Gras Fair day is the highly popular opening to the Mardi Gras festival. We propped up with Bike Valet Parking; we parked nearly 150 bikes. Result.
Thursday 7 February: Community Consultation: redevelopment of Darling Harbour – Sydney International Convention, Exhibition and Entertainment Precinct
We addressed the community consultation process for ‘Darling Harbour Live‘ to advocate for the inclusion of cycleways, adequately-wide shared paths, bike facilities and in particular, links to the external cycleway network.
Tuesday 5 February: Bike Valet Parking: CityTalks – Tim Berners-Lee (Sydney Town Hall)
Father of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee spoke at Sydney Town Hall to a full house. We were there providing the free Bike Valet Parking service.
Tuesday 5 February: Bike Rider & Bus Driver Interaction Roundtable
We addressed a seminar hosted by the City of Sydney and the Institute of Sustainable Futures investigating ways to improve interactions between bus drivers and cyclists.
Issues we’re currently following up
- Bike access & facilities for the re-design of Darling Harbour (Lend Lease)
- Proposed Wigram Rd median at Ross St (City of Sydney)
- Catherine St (Bridge) cycleway (Leichhardt Council)
- Alternative design for Booth St Bridge cycleway (see “Outcomes Achieved” below)
Projects we’re developing
- RMS now agrees to investigate re-design of Anzac Bridge shared path “Anzac Digger” junction
- Bike Rider and Bus Driver Interaction Protocol
- Ciclovia – Reclaim the streets for a day (Leichhardt Council)
- Online Bike Mapping Tool/App in conjunction with Bike North and RMS
- Commute Route video library (aimed at beginner cyclists)…
Outcomes achieved
- Deferral of proposal to install segregated lanes for Booth St S-bend. Leichhardt Council will now review their design in consultation with Bike Leichhardt and BIKESydney
We would welcome your assistance with…
- Appraising infrastructure proposals and urban design strategies
- Assisting with bike events (we are planning a Bike Advocates training session; we’re keen to develop other seminars)
- Submissions – to local and State Governments (see examples on our Submissions page)
- Ambassador for BIKESydney’s crowdfunding bike project campaign
- Copywriting (fun journalistic pieces on bikes for the website, like this article for example)
- Local bike-love photography (submit some of your favourite shots)
- Graphic design
- Website
- Volunteering a few hours at Bike Valet Parking (next event: Randwick: The Spot Festival – Sun 10 March)
- …or whatever your expertise, we’d be keen to have you contribute
… and just wish we had more resources to:
Develop a Sydney-based hazard-reporting system interface/app like http://www.bkme.org
What we got up to in JANUARY 2013
Thursday 24 January: Meeting with Anzac Bridge Alliance
We met with Bridge Solutions Alliance who are overseeing the upgrade works for the Anzac Bridge. BIKESydney and Bike Leichhardt stewarded outcomes to ensure that the impacts of construction works on cyclists and pedestrians using Anzac bridge’s shared path are minimised.
We also secured the highly desirable outcome of ensuring that the height of the new bridge fence on the approach to the junction at the Anzac Digger statue will be lowered to permit good sight lines into the junction, thereby much improving safety for all path users. We have also secured a future meeting with the Roads and Maritime Services (which manages Anzac Bridge) to discuss ways of improving the existing junction design which presently includes many hazards for cyclists.
Bike Valet Parking (BVP)
A huge month for our Bike Valet Parking (BVP) service due to the Sydney Festival events. We ran BVP at many major events – sometimes concurrently – and introduced the service to both the State Premier’s Department, Parramatta Council and fellow bike advocacy group CAMWEST.
- Saturday 26 January: Bike Valet Parking – Sydney Festival: Symphony in the Domain – The Domain
- Saturday 26 January: Bike Valet Parking – Australia Day – Parramatta Park
- Saturday 26 January: Bike Valet Parking – Australia Day – Hyde Park
- Saturday 12 January: Bike Valet Parking – Sydney Festival: Summer Sounds – The Domain
- Saturday 5 January: Bike Valet Parking – Sydney Festival Day One – Hyde Park & The Domain