Parking Please!


February 2015


Have you spotted a need for more bike parking in the public domain? The great news is that any member of the public can lodge a request for more parking on publicly-owned land within the City of Sydney local government area by using this simple online form.

But what about all the privately-owned land or public domain spaces outside of the City?

We’re thinking about a campaign around encouraging building and land owners to install to more bike parking. More parking availability induces more trips by bike.

Have you seen how popular the on-street bike parking corral outside Redfern Stn is? Boom! (The pic below was taken on a rainy, windy day in September. See the wet footpath to the left of the photo?)


2014-09-09 - Lt Eveleigh St Corral - Full Again














We’re still formulating the strategy but likely to plump for creating spoke cards with nice artwork (any budding designers out there…?) that can be threaded into any bikes in public spaced crying out for good stabling. We’ll do the detective work to enable the spoke cards to be pre-loaded with the contact details of the relevant land- or building owner, so as to encourage individual riders to call out for the parking themselves.  Better that we get many voices requesting parking rather than just one voice from an advocacy body.

The spoke cards could be passed on to others to keep the chain going (…or kept as beautiful artworks).

Perhaps you have other ideas on how to encourage more parking.  Let’s hear them.

We reckon we can get lift-off on some sites quickly.  We’re looking for a “campaign captain”, designers and anyone else wanting to get involved.


Who’s in?  Contact us at


Other ways to contribute:

  • Send us your pics of full or much-needed bike parking racks to us here or at our facebook site;
  • Register your own request for more parking directly by using our free Go! Fix App;
  • Suggest an idea or just show your support by leaving a comment below.


More Parking Please!



2014-08-13 - UNSW Parking full - 20140813_124354


2014-08-07 - Newtown Station Bikes









Cycling in a liveable Sydney


Phone:+ 61 2 8213 2437

PO Box M59 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Find us on facebook - BIKESydney