The NEW Parramatta Rd
A massive opportunity for change
In late 2014, the State Government announced the New Parramatta Road project, a 20-year urban renewal program covering 8 precincts (Granville, Auburn, Homebush, Burwood, Kings Bay, Taverners Hill, Leichhardt and Camperdown) that will significantly increase the number of people working and living along the corridor. You can download the detailed Draft Strategy here (9.1MB PDF download).
Read our more detailed submission here (pdf download).
Here’s the project “fly-through” video:
Like the Central to Eveleigh project, the New Parramatta Road urban renewal scheme has the potential to present cycling as a real transport option by addressing the current north-south impermeability of Parramatta Road which presently divides Councils and therefore their respective cycling networks.
High quality north-south crossings of Parramatta Road would encourage many more local trips given for people wanting to ride between King St Newtown, Glebe Point Rd cafe and retail strip, Sydney University, Prince Alfred Hospital, Glebe Foreshore, Harold Park residential development, Johnston St and Norton St. Bike riding and urban density go really well together if high-quality riding infrastructure is provided.
On the back of the success of recent BIKESydney campaigns (BIKESydney’s campaigning has led to the creation of the Sydney Airport Cycling Forum and we’ve recently been invited into the design team for the CBD to Eastern Suburbs Light Rail Project), we’re encouraging a simple, early contribution to ensure that the project’s proponents (UrbanGrowth NSW) are aware that that the community wants New Parramatta Road to be made cycling-friendly. This early voice is particularly important now given that the State Government has sharply wound back its public engagement on the project.
What To Do
There are a few ways to have your voice heard that will only take a few minutes. Either take the short online survey, write a submission or sign up to the project’s eNewsletter to stay in touch. Find out more at the project website.
1) Take the short Online Survey
Here’s the link to the online survey.
Why not speak up for cycling as a realistic and safe option for the future inner west communities? Mention that you think communication and transparency are critical to precinct planning at this scale.
The survey asks:
- Please list three words or phrases that describe the Parramatta Road corridor
- What are the first three things you would do to improve the Parramatta Road corridor?
- To cater for Sydney’s population growth, additional housing will need to be provided within the Parramatta Road corridor. Do you agree with this statement?
- Please list three words or phrases that describe how you would like the Parramatta Road corridor to be in the future
- Is there anything else we should consider?
2) Make a Submission
You can also make your own personal submission by using the project’s feedback form or just emailing them directly
( ) with support for concepts expressed in BIKESydney’s submission. We’ve suggested some points for your submission below. (Deadline: Thursday 12 Feb)
Suggested Responses
Sydney’s made great by everyone telling their own story. But for those a little unsure of what to call for to achieve a better cycling landscape, BIKESydney’s Communications Team have come up with some prompts to encourage you to join our call for a shift to people-centric urban design where walking and cycling would become obvious and easy choices.
Call on the Parramatta Rd Urban Renewal Project to:
- 1. Adopt the principle of prioritising walking, riding, and public transport above personal car use;
- Include cycling in the first stages of planning which takes into account where people want to ride, and realises the State Government’s Sydney’s Cycling Future vision and the Inner Sydney Regional Bicycle Network;
Provide a high-quality safe and connected cycling network along the New Parramatta Road corridor, with focus for high-quality north-south links, signalised intersection crossings and a new mesh of secondary cycling routes;
Focus on mixed-use and people-centric development to encourage local living in which walking, cycling and public transport become obvious travel choices;
Encourage a change of the pace in street life by slowing down cars and allowing people to share space;
Mandate ample, convenient, secure bike parking in public and private space and remove minimum car parking requirements;
Encourage “car-free” and “car-lite” development, and introduce public car sharing.
3) Other Ways to Get Involved
Sign up to the NewParramattaRd enewsletter to keep up to date.
Take their lead for Ways to get involved, or
Learn about the planning process.
More About the Concept
The project’s Active Transport Fact Sheet (pdf download) says:
“Cycling networks include designated bike paths and signposted, on-road routes within and across the Parramatta Road Corridor. There is potential to enhance and connect existing transport networks.
The active transport component of the Draft Strategy looks at both walking and cycling. Work will be undertaken to improve cycle routes within a five kilometre radius of major urban centres along the corridor and improve facilities at public transport interchange centres.
Other elements that support active transport include bike parking and storage facilities. Detailed local planning, amenity improvements and urban design all provide opportunities to plan for facilities to promote cycling within the Parramatta Road Corridor.”