August 2010
Saturday 28 August: Shopping by bike promotion at Sydney Sustainability Markets
BIKESydney was back at the Sydney Sustainable Markets on Saturday, Aug 28 with a free goody bag for everyone who rode (or said that they wish they had) – thank you City of Sydney.
We gave away everything we had – at one stage we had more than 20 people on bikes just hanging around having a chat. We had great day in the sunshine, saw lots of old friends and tried sautéed brussel sprouts (oh so good – wok friend with garlic and olive oil in case you were wondering). Thank you to Nick, Brenda, Richard and Elaena for being on duty and putting the hundred or so bags together – it was a brilliant morning.
19 August: Bicycle steering committee meeting
Elaena Gardner and David Borella attended the City of Sydney Bicycle Steering Committee meeting to hear an update of the City’s progress delivering the bike plan.
We are supportive of the City’s new priority to connect and fill the gaps in nine regional routes:
- North Sydney to Edgecliff
- City Centre to Mascot
- Anzac Bridge to Anzac Parade
- Sydney Park to Centennial Park
- Johnstons Canal to City South
- Bourke Street
- Southern Boundary
- Newtown to Bondi Junction
A new cycling website from the City is in the pipeline. Their behaviour change strategy is also close to being finalised.
The City has now trained 500 people to be more confident riders and 325 in basic bike maintenance. Keep an eye out for kids’ courses in Spring.
The City is expecting to hear good news soon about the extension of the 40km/hr zone across the whole CBD.
16 August: Bicycle rider hit by taxi driver in CBD
The Sydney Morning Herald reported today that a bicycle rider was hit by a taxi driver on Elizabeth Street in the CBD on Sunday morning. BIKESydney provided comment about riding conditions on this popular route into the city. Our thoughts are with the rider and his family.
9 August 2010: BIKESydney in the news
BIKESydney and our work have been making waves in the media over the past week.
FBi Radio (cycleway rally got a mention Wednesday 4 August (morning show)
Hack, Tuesday 3rd August
YARRABUG RADIO, 3CR Melbourne, 9 August 2010 (podcast to come)
Southern courier, 4 August, article here
Telegraph, 4 August, article here.
Inner West Courier, 5 August, article here.
Central Sydney, 5 August, article here.
South Sydney Herald, 2 August, letter to the editor here…then go to page 10.
City News, 12 August, article here.
9 August 2010: Staysafe Submission
BIKESydney’s response to the NSW Staysafe (Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety) inquiry into vulnerable road users was submitted today.
The rules of the inquiry mean that we can’t make our submission public without the say of the Staysafe Committee.
We’ll post the full report online once we have the go-ahead. That will probably be after the inquiry hearings are held.
3 August 2010: 300+ at Town Hall Rally
More than 300 people turned out to show their support for the City of Sydney’s cycleways on Tuesday 3 August. A big win for everyone who wants to live in a city that’s easy to get around, has clean air and values healthy, happy people. Thanks to everyone who came and made a fantastic evening.
1 August 2010: 299 respond to BIKESydney Safety Survey
Thanks so much if you took some time to respond to the BIKESydney safety survey. We’re using the results in our response to the NSW Parliament’s Staysafe Committee’s inquiry into vulnerable road users. Once the submission is complete we’ll spend some time analysing the results in depth and report back to you.