Bike Culture – does it and should it exist in Sydney?
BIKESydney BrainsTrust in conjunction with the Bicycle Film Festival
New York Bike Snob says it doesn’t exist.
Copenhagen says it shouldn’t exist.
Portland says life’s not worth living without it…
Join Jonathan Daly (GHD consulting), Elizabeth Cage (University of Sydney) and Josh Capelin (Producer, BFF) in an engaging conservation about the role of bike culture in Sydney now, and in the years ahead.
November 16, 2010
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Digital Eskimo
Level 2, 44 Foster St Surry Hills
Sydney, New South Wales 2010
Free but please register via Eventbrite here.
I think this great and pro-active. I am in the UK but interested in ways to encourage a better culture here surrounding bikes and this is encouraging, Great site by the way