Bikes for Africa

Not sure what to do with your second bike, or the one that’s never getting used? Why not donate it to create simple, sustainable, empowerment in African communities?

On Sat 16 February 2013 Bicycles for Humanity are accepting donations at Barangaroo. Get your trusty steed there and we’ll give it new life so that it keeps on giving.

Bicycles for Humanity can transport your old bike to a Namibian community, establish a sustainable bike shop, and even train local staff.  So while it may be worthless to you, that dusty two-wheeler could have a magnificent future improving access to health care, education and empowering someone less fortunate.


More about how to donate your bike on 16 Feb 2013

More about Bicycles for Humanity


Postscript (19 Feb 2013)

Bikes for Humanity organiser Reid reports…

“Despite two heavy downpours, last Saturday’s (16Feb13) Bikes for Humanity collection day was highly successful. There were over 70 bikes donated, and over $400 in donations given in exchange for racing or vintage bikes (which can’t be sent to Africa). The funds are much needed to cover the cost of shipping the container to Namibia.

We’re still looking for volunteers through BIKESydney’s network. We’re after people who are are able to spin a pedal spanner, don’t mind getting a bit dirty, and/or good with lifting bikes as they pack the container. We’re also after people with a great customer service ethic for the public facing side of the collection day. The day itself is very social, hands on and fun with only light mechanical duties. Lunch and drinks provided.

we’re also shouting out for a storage partnership. We’re looking for a location for a 40ft container to store bikes while we’re packing it ready for sending. Lend Lease won’t be able to continue providing space at the Barangaroo site, so we’re keen to hear from BIKESydney’s network as to ideas or contacts that might be able to assist.”

Contact Reid directly at


Sydney bikes on their way to Africa

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Cycling in a liveable Sydney


Phone:+ 61 2 8213 2437

PO Box M59 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050

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