Bus Bike Survey
Posted by Elaena on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Last year BIKESydney worked with the Institute for Sustainable Futures at UTS to develop a grant application to investigate interactions between bike riders and bus drivers. City of Sydney awarded the grant and work is now underway. As a first step ISF is surveying riders and drivers.
This survey has 12 questions and should take about 10 minutes of your time. Your responses will help develop recommendations for bus drivers to interact more confidently and safely with bike riders. Importantly, the survey seeks examples of exemplary bus driver behaviour that bike riders have experienced. We plan to conduct a similar survey with bus drivers in order to develop input to the education of bike riders. Participation is voluntary, and all data collected will be anonymous. The survey will be open until Sunday, April 15 2012.
To participate in the survey please click on this link:
We encourage you to distribute this survey widely through your networks. Thank you very much for your support!
Background information:
The City of Sydney is aiming for 10 per cent of all trips within the City to be undertaken by bike by 2016. This target requires a large number of people to change their transport behaviour in a relatively short period of time. However, sharing the road with motor vehicles, particularly with larger vehicles such as buses, is a source of anxiety for both new and more experienced bike riders. Given that bike ridership in Sydney is still comparably low both bus drivers and bike riders have not yet established norms on how to interact with each other in a safe and harmonious way.
For feedback or more information, please contact christiane.baumann@isf.uts.edu.au.