No Cycling in Green Square?

Green Square is the darling child of the City of Sydney.  Effectively, a green field site relatively free of the state government’s interference, the site presents a clear canvas for the City’s vision.

Located just 3.5km from the city centre and 4km from the airport, the precinct is expected to attract 54,000 new residents and 20,000 new jobs by 2030.  Getting sustainable transport bedded into the design early is clearly essential.


2014-07-29 - Green Square Development Map


Recent fanfare about the precinct has focused on child care facilities, the state-of-the-art library, the designer aquatic centre and Clover’s discussion with Transport Minister Gladys to have the light rail network extended to the precinct.  All great outcomes.

(In this incarnation at least) The City of Sydney is a recognised champion for cycling, but we’re keen nonetheless to ensure that cycling isn’t provided for only as an after-thought. Retrofitting is for the birds cars.

As shown in the City of Sydney’s cycling map (below), the cycling network in the region is patchy.  The orange (separated cycleways) and green (on-road bike lanes) paths seem to fade in the approach to Green Square and Zetland or at least lose their sense of direction therein.  (Or is it rather that the internal streets of Victoria Park at least, already deliver on the “any street a rideable street” ideal such that cycleways aren’t required?…).


2014-07-29 - Green Square - Patchy Cycling Connections - with border


BIKESydney is keen to approach the City with the community’s cycling blueprint for the area.

What’s on your wishlist?  Which regional cycling desire lines? internal routes? building design ideas? parking? trip destinations? etc.

Add your ideas and wishlist items below or email us ( if you’d like to assist in planning meetings and consultation around making Green Square cycling friendly.




2 Responses to “No Cycling in Green Square?”
  1. Darryl says:

    Green Square is not different from the rest of Sydney. With courage and foresight, those who can change things will. At Green Square it might be easier as they create a new village onto this site but my thoughts apply to every community across Sydney.
    • If Green Square is to be developed as a transport hub, and a destination in its own right, then it should provide facilities for bulk parking of motor vehicles and bikes (to enable commuters to feed into the bus and rail networks when they are transiting through Green Square). Facilities need to secure so that theft or vandalism cannot occur. A few hitching rails in a concrete plaza is inadequate and caged areas, accessible by electronic ticket, within every parking station is required. Such facilities will likely require cyclists to pay a parking fee but I think cyclists need to get used to that as a necessary (normal) cost. Facilities must be operational 24/7 so cyclists can go out for dinner or to the cinema at night and know their bike is protected.
    • Either Bourke Rd/Bourke St is a major cycling artery, or it is not. The controlling agencies currently seem incapable of deciding. The whole scheme of disjointed cycleways across Sydney does not enable cyclists to safely traverse the suburbs and CBD with the same ease as motorists. Where is the NSW government leadership in coordinating local government and RMS to provide safe passage for cyclists? At the very minimum, there must be a protected cycling environment on all major radial routes. As a cyclist using my bike as the primary means of transport, I want the shortest and least hilly route. Unsurprisingly, that is what has been provided to motor vehicles at our expense. But, we are not welcome on roads because we are an irritation rather than a hazard. We are the future for short (local) journeys and not a passing fad.
    • What we don’t need is more Shared User Paths that make motorists happy but put cyclists in conflict with pedestrians and increase the danger to cyclists from dogs and pedestrians on paths, and vehicles crossing SUPs. Shared paths are, perhaps, acceptable in parks but only where the speed is limited to 10kph (eg, social cycling with kids), not as a cycling route. Also we don’t need stencils painted on roads in the door zone because motorists don’t understand this area is dangerous for cyclists and should be avoided at all costs.
    • I refuse to be re-routed onto back streets and footpaths, or to have much less time to cross intersections as motor vehicles have. Traffic lights need to be re-programmed to give cyclists equal time to cross intersections, either concurrently with motor vehicles or, less preferably, in a separate phase.
    • Police must enforce laws, not just Green Square but everywhere. Occasional blitzes are ineffective. Whether it be motorists using mobile phones or not wearing seatbelts, or cyclists riding without lights, or helmets, on footpaths, across pedestrian crossings, or not stopping at red lights then the laws must be enforced. I think some of these rules suck too but, if you don’t like a law then lobby a politician, don’t increase aggavation levels on the road because of your actions. The next road rage victim might be me because of you.

  2. Raf says:

    Proper cycle route to UNSW would be good

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Cycling in a liveable Sydney


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PO Box M59 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050

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