In February 2012 BIKESydney submitted a response to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s review of the State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development and the Residential Flat Design Code.
Friday 8 April until Monday11 April 2011 there will be road closures associated with the ITU World Championship 2011. The Sydney Harbour Bridge and approaches will be closed from 4am to midday on Sunday 10 April. This does not effect the Harbour Bridge cycleway or pedestrian footway. College Street will be closed to traffic from 8pm Friday 8th […]
BIKESydney has once again urged the Department of Planning to establish a City West Shared Path – an off-road, flat, quiet, green, shared path that connects the Greenway to the Anzac Bridge via the disused Lilyfield rail corridor. This link to the CBD would connect several regional cycling routes to the city and connect large catchments […]
Ciclovia, Bogota Friday 11 March:University of Sydney, 12:30 pm Enrique Penalosa is the former Mayor, Bogota, Columbia and President, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), New York. This presentation is a joint venture between the Major Cities Unit (Department of Infrastructure and Transport), Infrastructure Australia, the Volvo Centre of Excellence for Bus Rapid Transit development […]
The Cycling Aspects of Austroads Guides is now available for free download. This is an essential resource for people lobbying for cycling infrastructure in their local community. The publication provides an overview of the design, construction and maintenance of bicycle infrastructure and provides references to Austroad’s Guidelines for more indepth information.
The City of Sydney are holding briefing sessions about their Community Matching Grants. If you’ve got an idea that will promote cycling in the city drop in and see if it’s suitable for the Matching Grants Program. Sessions are: Wednesday 2 March 12.30pm-1.30pm or Thursday 3 March 5pm-6pm at Level 4, Town Hall House, 456 […]