The next in our series of BRAINSTRUST SEMINARS Australia’s Rich Cycling History by Jim Fitzpatrick Did you know that Australia once had the largest bicycle path network in the world? or that Australian soldiers were at the forefront of the first significant wartime use of the bicycle? Or that at one time, the world’s […]
BIKESydney is calling for more people-orientated design for the new Draft Plan of Management for Sydney Park which is now open for public comment. You can view the entire Plan via the Project’s “Document Library” link (8.3MB) or download the key excerpts of the Plan here (1.9MB).) The key points of the Draft Management Plan […]
The City of Sydney is preparing to deliver the final section of the Bourke Street cycleway through Waterloo. However, the link will be delivered as a shared path (thus mixing riders in with pedestrians) rather than as a green, separated cycleway such as you now find along other sections of Bourke St. We think it […]
GOING DUTCH – WHAT CAN AUSTRALIA LEARN FROM DUTCH CYCLING? Our Brainstrust series of free public seminars next looks into what elements of Dutch cycling infrastructure might be relevant for Sydney. The recently released Sydney City Centre Access Strategy signals the NSW Government’s intention to soon deliver a network of cycleways within Sydney’s CBD, and […]
THE DOLLARS AND SENSE OF BUILDING FOR BIKES BIKESydney will be presenting another of our free, public Brainstrust seminars which will make the case that the delivery of cycling infrastructure should not be left to be the responsibility of governments. Doing so leaves cycling provisioning too exposed to the nuanced political environment. Come to hear […]
BIKESydney MEDIA STATEMENT 26 June 2013 BIKESydney calls on the State Government to deliver its Central Sydney Access Strategy. In deferring the delivery of the Central Sydney Access Strategy (the integrated transport plan for the CBD), the State Government has again blocked the delivery of critical cycling infrastructure in the CBD. Potentially terminally. The […]