New Bourke St Cycleway – Cars entitled, while pedestrians and riders get the scraps.

The Waterloo Link will connect the Bourke St and Bourke Rd separated cycleways

The City of Sydney is preparing to deliver the final section of the Bourke Street cycleway through Waterloo. However, the link will be delivered as a shared path (thus mixing riders in with pedestrians) rather than as a green, separated cycleway such as you now find along other sections of Bourke St. We think it […]

Great response to BIKESydney safety survey

Thanks so much to the 299 Sydney bike riders who responded to the BIKESydney safety survey. We’re using the results in our response to the NSW Parliament’s Staysafe Committee’s inquiry into vulnerable road users. Once the submission is complete we’ll spend some time analysing the results in depth and report back to you

Bicycle safety: what are the causes of vulnerability?

More than 50 people gathered for the BIKESydney BrainsTrust Q+A  on July 22. The robust discussion about what causes vulnerability on our roads for cyclists will continue as we prepare our submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into vulnerable road users.

Staysafe inquiry submission submitted

BIKESydney’s response to the NSW Staysafe (Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety) inquiry into vulnerable road users was submitted 9 August. The rules of the inquiry mean that we can’t make our submission public without the say of the Staysafe Committee. We’ll post the full report online once we have the go-ahead. That will probably be […]


Cycling in a liveable Sydney


Phone:+ 61 2 8213 2437

PO Box M59 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Find us on facebook - BIKESydney