New Bourke St Cycleway – Cars entitled, while pedestrians and riders get the scraps.

The Waterloo Link will connect the Bourke St and Bourke Rd separated cycleways

The City of Sydney is preparing to deliver the final section of the Bourke Street cycleway through Waterloo. However, the link will be delivered as a shared path (thus mixing riders in with pedestrians) rather than as a green, separated cycleway such as you now find along other sections of Bourke St. We think it […]

Cycling and Transport Policy in NSW

The NSW Parliamentary Library has released a briefing paper summarising the transport issues facing NSW, presenting an account of the state of cycling in NSW and in Sydney in particular, and comparing cycling in Sydney with the other Australian capital cities and with selected international cities. It makes for an interesting read. BIKESydney will be […]


Cycling in a liveable Sydney


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