Influencing the City Plan

In April 2011 BIKESydney submitted a response to the City of Sydney’s Draft City Plan. Overall BIKESydney was very supportive of the Draft City Plan which we saw as a progressive and ambitious planning instrument. We did have some concerns with elements of its constituent Draft Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2011 (LEP) and Draft Sydney Development Control […]
Designing for People

In February 2012 BIKESydney submitted a response to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s review of the State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development and the Residential Flat Design Code.
Cycling and Transport Policy in NSW
The NSW Parliamentary Library has released a briefing paper summarising the transport issues facing NSW, presenting an account of the state of cycling in NSW and in Sydney in particular, and comparing cycling in Sydney with the other Australian capital cities and with selected international cities. It makes for an interesting read. BIKESydney will be […]
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