Bridge to Bridge – Sydney's first complete cycleway route

Bike riders coming from the Inner West or the North Shore to the CBD can now enjoy a safer journey with the opening of City of Sydney’s first completed cycleway route. Clover Moore officially launched the route connecting the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Anzac Bridge at the National Ride to Work Day breakfast in Hyde Park on […]

Bicycle safety: what are the causes of vulnerability?

More than 50 people gathered for the BIKESydney BrainsTrust Q+A  on July 22. The robust discussion about what causes vulnerability on our roads for cyclists will continue as we prepare our submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into vulnerable road users.

Staysafe inquiry submission submitted

BIKESydney’s response to the NSW Staysafe (Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety) inquiry into vulnerable road users was submitted 9 August. The rules of the inquiry mean that we can’t make our submission public without the say of the Staysafe Committee. We’ll post the full report online once we have the go-ahead. That will probably be […]

Tell us what you think of the City's Shared Path markings

The City of Sydney is currently trialling a scheme of surface markings for its shared paths at Redfern St, Redfern.  (A “Shared Path” – a path that is designated for use by both pedestrians AND cyclists, as distinct from a footpath, on which cyclists (above the age of 12 years) are not permitted to ride.) It’s […]

Bikes to get the kids around and groceries home

A new bike library in Newtown, the first of its kind in Australia, will loan Cargo bikes and bike trailers for transporting bulky items or beloved children.

Bike Culture – does it and should it exist in Sydney?

BIKESydney BrainsTrust in conjunction with the Bicycle Film Festival New York Bike Snob says it doesn’t exist. Copenhagen says it shouldn’t exist. Portland says life’s not worth living without it… Join Jonathan Daly (GHD consulting), Elizabeth Cage (University of Sydney) and Josh Capelin (Producer, BFF) in an engaging conservation about the role of bike culture […]

NSW Staysafe Inquiry Submissions now public

The Staysafe Committee has now made public the submissions to their Inquiry into Vulnerable Road Users. Thank you to: – everyone who took time to do the BIKESydney safety survey – those of you who gave us feedback about the survey design – those of you who attended the BrainsTrust session and told us your […]

300+ at Town Hall rally

More than 300 people turned out to show their support for the City of Sydney’s cycleways on  Tuesday 3 August. A big win for everyone who wants to live in a city that’s easy to get around, has clean air and values healthy, happy people.  Thanks to everyone who came and made a fantastic evening. […]


Cycling in a liveable Sydney


Phone:+ 61 2 8213 2437

PO Box M59 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Find us on facebook - BIKESydney