Amazed? Stunned.

The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) is proposing to install a 180m long and 6m wide garden structure (entitled “A-maze”) in the middle of Pyrmont Bridge. SHFA appears to have paid only lip service to the installation’s effect of obstructing the 70,000 pedestrian and cycling trips across the bridge each weekday, increasing the risk of […]
No Cycling in Green Square?

Green Square is the darling child of the City of Sydney. Effectively, a green field site relatively free of the state government’s interference, the site presents a clear canvas for the City’s vision. Located just 3.5km from the city centre and 4km from the airport, the precinct is expected to attract 54,000 new residents and 20,000 […]
Tour de Cinema

By Edyta Krygowska. The British Film Institute (BFI) is celebrating 100 years of bicycle-themed movies. It really underlines the enduring charm and beauty of the bicycle, doesn’t it? The joy of cycling has been an irresistible entertainment for “the talkies” for over a century. In celebration of this year’s Tour de France departure (le Grand […]
Know Your Rights

Knowing your legal rights as a rider can change the way you ride. In partnership with the Redfern Legal Centre, BIKESydney has developed Pedal Power, an advisory website aimed at informing cyclists of their rights. With a view to making the resource as useful as possible to existing and would-be riders, we’re opening up […]
How to get Utility Companies to play fair?

…Don’t rely on the intervention of the government and approach them directly of course. It’s long been the bane of Sydney riders that freshly-laid infrastructure – a kerb ramp, shared path, a road re-sheet or even a cycleway – is undermined by a trench-dig of one of the big utility (water, gas, electricity) companies. Riders […]
Velo City 2014: Quips, Quotes, Quotients

The 2014 edition of the world’s pre-eminent cycling conference, Velo-City, was held in Adelaide in the last week of May. The conference opening delivered a recognisable menu of cycling royalty and rock stars including the energised Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Stephen Yarwood (an urban planner), the President of the European Cycling Federation, Manfred Nuen (“Active […]
Bikes Botany Bay Launches

Update (August 2014) Bikes Botany Bay was formally launched on Monday 23 June 2014 at South Sydney Graphic Arts Club. The community’s response to the launch was overwhelming with approximately 25 community members and local representatives contributing to an energetic discussion about issues and prospects for cycling in the Botany Bay area and agreeing to […]
UTS Bike Club

BIKESydney attended the launch of the University of Technology Housing Service’s Bike Club in early April. Ella Bothmann-Barlow investigated further. I’m on my way to chat with Andrew Redgrave about UTS Housing’s newly launched Bike Club. I’d hoped to get myself from my Darlinghurst office to Ultimo on my much-loved bicycle. Instead, I chicken […]
Australia’s Rich Cycling History

The next in our series of BRAINSTRUST SEMINARS Australia’s Rich Cycling History by Jim Fitzpatrick Did you know that Australia once had the largest bicycle path network in the world? or that Australian soldiers were at the forefront of the first significant wartime use of the bicycle? Or that at one time, the world’s […]
Vamping Sydney Park

BIKESydney is calling for more people-orientated design for the new Draft Plan of Management for Sydney Park which is now open for public comment. You can view the entire Plan via the Project’s “Document Library” link (8.3MB) or download the key excerpts of the Plan here (1.9MB).) The key points of the Draft Management Plan […]
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