
Our talented friend  Garry Weicks penned a tribute to cycling in Sydney inspired by Max Ehrmann’s much loved  Desiderata.  It caught the eye of Australian Cyclist and was published in their November/December 2010 issue. Garry has very generously donated his publishing fee to BIKESydney.  Thanks Garry – you rock!

Family focus at Sustainability Markets and Live Green House

On Saturday Sept 25,  Nick Bonich  and Elaena Gardner spent the morning at the Sydney Sustainability Markets and the afternoon at Live Green House talking to people about all things bike. The markets were unusually quiet but many people we spoke to wanted advice about buying a bike. There was lots of interest in the […]

Great response to BIKESydney safety survey

Thanks so much to the 299 Sydney bike riders who responded to the BIKESydney safety survey. We’re using the results in our response to the NSW Parliament’s Staysafe Committee’s inquiry into vulnerable road users. Once the submission is complete we’ll spend some time analysing the results in depth and report back to you

Cycling and Transport Policy in NSW

The NSW Parliamentary Library has released a briefing paper summarising the transport issues facing NSW, presenting an account of the state of cycling in NSW and in Sydney in particular, and comparing cycling in Sydney with the other Australian capital cities and with selected international cities. It makes for an interesting read. BIKESydney will be […]

Sample of New Cycling Infrastructure

We will be seeing this more often as the City of Sydney rolls out 200kms of cycling infrasturcture across the city. The piece you about to see is the north end of Kent St. It deals with cyclists coming and going from the Harbour Bridge. Specifically the pedestrian underpass. Remember that this is not complete […]

National award for BIKESydney

BIKESydney has won a major national award for its work to promote cycling. The Cycling Promotion Fund sponsored awards were presented in Old Parliament House in Canberra on June 16 with BIKESydney receiving the Special Achievement Award by a Bicycle Organisation. The award was in recognition of BIKESydney’s Bike Valet Program which makes it easier […]

Political parties urged to adopt Active Transport Vision

Major political parties have been urged to embrace active transport as part of the policy cure for the challenges of chronic disease, climate change, congestion and pollution. The call was made on August 12 by a unique partnership of organisations from the health, transport and local government sectors. The five groups – The Australian Local […]

Clearways and 40km zones coming to a street near you

On 15 September the City of Sydney’s (CoS) Traffic Committee unanimously approved the proposal to introduce peak hour clearways [“No Stopping” zones] on several of the city’s main roads. The details of the proposal – including a map – can be viewed here. [Note that the map’s highlighting of the affected area of Park St is incorrect. […]

White Bay Cruise Passenger Terminal EA misses mark

The plans for the proposed Cruise Passenger Terminal at White Bay fail to connect with public transport and fail to address the needs of pedestrians and cyclists. In December 2008 the NSW Government decided to permanently relocate the Darling Harbour No. 8 Cruise Passenger Terminal to facilitate and enhance the Barangaroo redevelopment project. In November 2009, its […]

Making Sydney's roads safer for all

Elaena Gardner and David Borella gave evidence at the NSW Staysafe Inquiry into Vulnerable Road Users on Tuesday 12 October. We had an opportunity to make an opening statement. This is what we said. BIKESydney represents the interests of people who ride bicycles for transport in the City of Sydney. We want to live in […]


Cycling in a liveable Sydney


Phone:+ 61 2 8213 2437

PO Box M59 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Find us on facebook - BIKESydney